.. _timeseries-masking: Masking values in time series ***************************** .. |Table| replace:: :class:`~astropy.table.Table` .. warning:: Note that masking does not yet work for columns that have units. Masking values is done in the same way as for |Table| objects (see :ref:`masking_and_missing_values`. The easiest way to use masking is to initialize a time series using the ``masked=True`` option:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.timeseries import TimeSeries >>> ts = TimeSeries(time_start='2016-03-22T12:30:31', ... time_delta=3 * u.s, ... n_samples=5, masked=True) Let's now add some data to our time series:: >>> ts['flux'] = [1., -2., 5., -1., 4.] As you can see, some of the values are negative. We can mask these using:: >>> ts['flux'].mask = ts['flux'] < 0 >>> ts time flux object float64 ----------------------- ------- 2016-03-22T12:30:31.000 1.0 2016-03-22T12:30:34.000 -- 2016-03-22T12:30:37.000 5.0 2016-03-22T12:30:40.000 -- 2016-03-22T12:30:43.000 4.0 We can also access the mask values:: >>> ts['flux'].mask array([False, True, False, True, False]...) Masks are column-based, so masking a single cell does not mask the whole row. Having masked cells then allows functions that normally understand masked values and operating on columns to ignore the masked entries:: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.min(ts['flux']) 1.0 >>> np.ma.median(ts['flux']) 4.0