.. doctest-skip-all .. _read_write_tables: Reading and writing Table objects *********************************** Astropy provides a unified interface for reading and writing data in different formats. For many common cases this will simplify the process of file I/O and reduce the need to master the separate details of all the I/O packages within Astropy. For details and examples of using this interface see the :ref:`table_io` section. Getting started ================ The :class:`~astropy.table.Table` class includes two methods, :meth:`~astropy.table.Table.read` and :meth:`~astropy.table.Table.write`, that make it possible to read from and write to files. A number of formats are automatically supported (see :ref:`built_in_readers_writers`) and new file formats and extensions can be registered with the :class:`~astropy.table.Table` class (see :ref:`io_registry`). To use this interface, first import the :class:`~astropy.table.Table` class, then simply call the :class:`~astropy.table.Table` :meth:`~astropy.table.Table.read` method with the name of the file and the file format, for instance ``'ascii.daophot'``:: >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> t = Table.read('photometry.dat', format='ascii.daophot') It is possible to load tables directly from the Internet using URLs. For example, download tables from Vizier catalogues in CDS format (``'ascii.cds'``):: >>> t = Table.read("ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/VII/253/snrs.dat", ... readme="ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/pub/cats/VII/253/ReadMe", ... format="ascii.cds") For certain file formats, the format can be automatically detected, for example from the filename extension:: >>> t = Table.read('table.tex') Similarly, for writing, the format can be explicitly specified:: >>> t.write(filename, format='latex') As for the :meth:`~astropy.table.Table.read` method, the format may be automatically identified in some cases. Any additional arguments specified will depend on the format. For examples of this see the section :ref:`built_in_readers_writers`. This section also provides the full list of choices for the ``format`` argument. Supported formats ================== The :ref:`table_io` has built-in support for the following data file formats: * :ref:`table_io_ascii` * :ref:`table_io_hdf5` * :ref:`table_io_fits` * :ref:`table_io_votable`