.. include:: references.txt .. _astropy-coordinates-separations-matching: Separations, Offsets, Catalog Matching, and Related Functionality ***************************************************************** `astropy.coordinates` contains commonly-used tools for comparing or matching coordinate objects. Of particular importance are those for determining separations between coordinates and those for matching a coordinate (or coordinates) to a catalog. These are mainly implemented as methods on the coordinate objects. Separations =========== The on-sky separation is easily computed with the :meth:`astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame.separation` or :meth:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation` methods, which computes the great-circle distance (*not* the small-angle approximation):: >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> c1 = SkyCoord('5h23m34.5s', '-69d45m22s', frame='icrs') >>> c2 = SkyCoord('0h52m44.8s', '-72d49m43s', frame='fk5') >>> sep = c1.separation(c2) >>> sep # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP The returned object is an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` instance, so it is possible to access the angle in any of several equivalent angular units:: >>> sep.radian # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 0.36208800460262563 >>> sep.hour # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 1.3830742984029318 >>> sep.arcminute # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 1244.7668685626384 >>> sep.arcsecond # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 74686.0121137583 Also note that the two input coordinates were not in the same frame — one is automatically converted to match the other, ensuring that even though they are in different frames, the separation is determined consistently. In addition to the on-sky separation described above, :meth:`astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame.separation_3d` or :meth:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation_3d` methods will determine the 3D distance between two coordinates that have ``distance`` defined:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> c1 = SkyCoord('5h23m34.5s', '-69d45m22s', distance=70*u.kpc, frame='icrs') >>> c2 = SkyCoord('0h52m44.8s', '-72d49m43s', distance=80*u.kpc, frame='icrs') >>> sep = c1.separation_3d(c2) >>> sep # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Offsets ======= Closely related to angular separations are offsets between coordinates. The key distinction for offsets is generally the concept of a "from" and "to" coordinate rather than the single scalar angular offset of a separation. `~astropy.coordinates` contains conveniences to compute some of the common offsets encountered in astronomy. The first piece of such functionality is the :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.position_angle` method. This method computes the position angle between one |skycoord| instance and another (passed as the argument) following the astronomy convention (positive angles East of North):: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> c1 = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg, frame='icrs') >>> c2 = SkyCoord(2*u.deg, 2*u.deg, frame='icrs') >>> c1.position_angle(c2).to(u.deg) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP The combination of :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation` and :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.position_angle` thus give a set of directional offsets. To do the inverse operation — determining the new "destination" coordinate given a separation and position angle — the :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.directional_offset_by` method is provided:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> c1 = SkyCoord(1*u.deg, 1*u.deg, frame='icrs') >>> position_angle = 45 * u.deg >>> separation = 1.414 * u.deg >>> c1.directional_offset_by(position_angle, separation) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP There is also a :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.spherical_offsets_to` method for computing angular offsets (e.g., small shifts like you might give a telescope operator to move from a bright star to a fainter target):: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> bright_star = SkyCoord('8h50m59.75s', '+11d39m22.15s', frame='icrs') >>> faint_galaxy = SkyCoord('8h50m47.92s', '+11d39m32.74s', frame='icrs') >>> dra, ddec = bright_star.spherical_offsets_to(faint_galaxy) >>> dra.to(u.arcsec) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> ddec.to(u.arcsec) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP .. _astropy-skyoffset-frames: "Sky Offset" Frames ------------------- To extend the concept of spherical offsets, `~astropy.coordinates` has a frame class :class:`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.skyoffset.SkyOffsetFrame` which creates distinct frames that are centered on a specific point. These are known as "sky offset frames," as they are a convenient way to create a frame centered on an arbitrary position on the sky suitable for computing positional offsets (e.g., for astrometry):: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyOffsetFrame, ICRS, SkyCoord >>> center = ICRS(10*u.deg, 45*u.deg) >>> center.transform_to(SkyOffsetFrame(origin=center)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP ): (lon, lat) in deg (0., 0.)> >>> target = ICRS(11*u.deg, 46*u.deg) >>> target.transform_to(SkyOffsetFrame(origin=center)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP ): (lon, lat) in deg (0.69474685, 1.00428706)> Alternatively, the convenience method :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.skyoffset_frame` lets you create a sky offset frame from an existing |SkyCoord|:: >>> center = SkyCoord(10*u.deg, 45*u.deg) >>> aframe = center.skyoffset_frame() >>> target.transform_to(aframe) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP ): (lon, lat) in deg (0.69474685, 1.00428706)> >>> other = SkyCoord(9*u.deg, 44*u.deg, frame='fk5') >>> other.transform_to(aframe) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP ): (lon, lat) in deg (-0.71943945, -0.99556216)> .. note :: While sky offset frames *appear* to be all the same class, this not the case: the sky offset frame for each different type of frame for ``origin`` is actually a distinct class. E.g., ``SkyOffsetFrame(origin=ICRS(...))`` yields an object of class ``SkyOffsetICRS``, *not* ``SkyOffsetFrame``. While this is not important for most uses of this class, it is important for things like type-checking, because something like ``SkyOffsetFrame(origin=ICRS(...)).__class__ is SkyOffsetFrame`` will *not* be ``True``, as it would be for most classes. This same frame is also useful as a tool for defining frames that are relative to a specific, known object useful for hierarchical physical systems like galaxy groups. For example, objects around M31 are sometimes shown in a coordinate frame aligned with standard ICRA RA/Dec, but on M31:: >>> m31 = SkyCoord(10.6847083*u.deg, 41.26875*u.deg, frame='icrs') >>> ngc147 = SkyCoord(8.3005*u.deg, 48.5087389*u.deg, frame='icrs') >>> ngc147_inm31 = ngc147.transform_to(m31.skyoffset_frame()) >>> xi, eta = ngc147_inm31.lon, ngc147_inm31.lat >>> xi # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> eta # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP .. note:: Currently, distance information in the ``origin`` of a :class:`~astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.skyoffset.SkyOffsetFrame` is not used to compute any part of the transform. The ``origin`` is only used for on-sky rotation. This may change in the future, however. .. _astropy-coordinates-matching: Matching Catalogs ================= `~astropy.coordinates` leverages the coordinate framework to make it possible to find the closest coordinates in a catalog to a desired set of other coordinates. For example, assuming ``ra1``/``dec1`` and ``ra2``/``dec2`` are NumPy arrays loaded from some file: .. testsetup:: >>> ra1 = [5.3517] >>> dec1 = [-5.2328] >>> distance1 = 1344 >>> ra2 = [6.459] >>> dec2 = [-16.4258] >>> distance2 = 8.611 .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord >>> from astropy import units as u >>> c = SkyCoord(ra=ra1*u.degree, dec=dec1*u.degree) >>> catalog = SkyCoord(ra=ra2*u.degree, dec=dec2*u.degree) >>> idx, d2d, d3d = c.match_to_catalog_sky(catalog) The distances returned ``d3d`` are 3-dimensional distances. Unless both source (``c``) and catalog (``catalog``) coordinates have associated distances, this quantity assumes that all sources are at a distance of 1 (dimensionless). You can also find the nearest 3D matches, different from the on-sky separation shown above only when the coordinates were initialized with a ``distance``: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> c = SkyCoord(ra=ra1*u.degree, dec=dec1*u.degree, distance=distance1*u.kpc) >>> catalog = SkyCoord(ra=ra2*u.degree, dec=dec2*u.degree, distance=distance2*u.kpc) >>> idx, d2d, d3d = c.match_to_catalog_3d(catalog) Now ``idx`` are indices into ``catalog`` that are the closest objects to each of the coordinates in ``c``, ``d2d`` are the on-sky distances between them, and ``d3d`` are the 3-dimensional distances. Because coordinate objects support indexing, ``idx`` enables easy access to the matched set of coordinates in the catalog: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> matches = catalog[idx] >>> (matches.separation_3d(c) == d3d).all() True >>> dra, ddec = c.spherical_offsets_to(matches) This functionality can also be accessed from the :func:`~astropy.coordinates.match_coordinates_sky` and :func:`~astropy.coordinates.match_coordinates_3d` functions. These will work on either |skycoord| objects *or* the lower-level frame classes: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> from astropy.coordinates import match_coordinates_sky >>> idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c, catalog) >>> idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c.frame, catalog.frame) It is possible to impose a separation constraint (e.g., the maximum separation to be considered a match) by creating a boolean mask with ``d2d`` or ``d3d``. For example: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> max_sep = 1.0 * u.arcsec >>> idx, d2d, d3d = c.match_to_catalog_3d(catalog) >>> sep_constraint = d2d < max_sep >>> c_matches = c[sep_constraint] >>> catalog_matches = catalog[idx[sep_constraint]] Now, ``c_matches`` and ``catalog_matches`` are the matched sources in ``c`` and ``catalog``, respectively, which are separated by less than 1 arcsecond. .. _astropy-searching-coordinates: Searching around Coordinates ============================ Closely related functionality can be used to search for *all* coordinates within a certain distance (either 3D distance or on-sky) of another set of coordinates. The ``search_around_*`` methods (and functions) provide this functionality, with an interface very similar to ``match_coordinates_*``: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> import numpy as np >>> idxc, idxcatalog, d2d, d3d = catalog.search_around_sky(c, 1*u.deg) >>> np.all(d2d < 1*u.deg) True .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> idxc, idxcatalog, d2d, d3d = catalog.search_around_3d(c, 1*u.kpc) >>> np.all(d3d < 1*u.kpc) True The key difference for these methods is that there can be multiple (or no) matches in ``catalog`` around any locations in ``c``. Hence, indices into both ``c`` and ``catalog`` are returned instead of just indices into ``catalog``. These can then be indexed back into the two |skycoord| objects, or, for that matter, any array with the same order: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> np.all(c[idxc].separation(catalog[idxcatalog]) == d2d) True >>> np.all(c[idxc].separation_3d(catalog[idxcatalog]) == d3d) True >>> print(catalog_objectnames[idxcatalog]) #doctest: +SKIP ['NGC 1234' 'NGC 4567' ...] Note, though, that this dual-indexing means that ``search_around_*`` does not work well if one of the coordinates is a scalar, because the returned index would not make sense for a scalar:: >>> scalarc = SkyCoord(ra=1*u.deg, dec=2*u.deg, distance=distance1*u.kpc) >>> idxscalarc, idxcatalog, d2d, d3d = catalog.search_around_sky(scalarc, 1*u.deg) # doctest: +SKIP ValueError: One of the inputs to search_around_sky is a scalar. As a result (and because the ``search_around_*`` algorithm is inefficient in the scalar case), the best approach for this scenario is to instead use the ``separation*`` methods: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> d2d = scalarc.separation(catalog) >>> catalogmsk = d2d < 1*u.deg >>> d3d = scalarc.separation_3d(catalog) >>> catalog3dmsk = d3d < 1*u.kpc The resulting ``catalogmsk`` or ``catalog3dmsk`` variables are boolean arrays rather than arrays of indices, but in practice they usually can be used in the same way as ``idxcatalog`` from the above examples. If you definitely do need indices instead of boolean masks, you can do: .. doctest-requires:: scipy >>> idxcatalog = np.where(catalogmsk)[0] >>> idxcatalog3d = np.where(catalog3dmsk)[0]