Changes to Modeling in v4.0

In order to make the internal code less complex, improve performance, and make the behavior of parameters in compound models more intuitive, many changes have been made internally to the modeling code, particularly to compound models and parameters. This page summarizes the important changes. More technical details are given at the end, but it is generally not necessary to read those unless you want to understand why some changes were necessary.

  • Support for expressions of modeling classes has been removed. Expressions of model class instances are still fully supported. This was done to streamline the implementation, improve performance, and support the new parameter semantics. For example:

    No longer works:

    NewCompoundClass = Gaussian1D + Const1D

    Still works:

    newmodel = Gaussian1D(3.2, 7.1, 2.1) + Const1D(3.)
  • Previous to v4.0, parameters were class descriptors, which meant that they could not hold values for the models. Instead, the values were held inside the models. This resulted in confusion when compound models were used since this necessitated that the compound models make copies of the values. As a result, changing the value in the compound model did not change the constituent model’s parameter value and vice versa. Now parameters are distinct instances for each use and they do hold the value of the parameter, so compound models now share the same values as the constituent models.

  • Previously when model sets were used, the parameter shape did not show the corresponding dimension for the number of models. Now it does. For example:


    In [1]: g = Gaussian1D([1,1], [1,2], [2,4], n_models=2)
    In [2]: g.amplitude
    Out[2]: Parameter('amplitude', value=[1. 1.])
    In [3]: g.amplitude.shape
    Out[3]: ()


    In [1]: g = Gaussian1D([1,1], [1,2], [2,4], n_models=2)
    In [2]: g.amplitude
    Out[2]: Parameter('amplitude', value=[1. 1.])
    In [3]: g.amplitude.shape
    Out[3]: (2,)
  • Previously the values were held in an array within the model instance and it was possible to assign values to slices of that array. Reassigning the array did update the parameters, but assigning slices does not. The new approach is to either replace the whole array by assigning to the parameters property or assign directly to the parameter value.

  • The use of ‘imputed’ units, i.e., supplying input/output units to a compound model without them but where the component models support the _parameter_units_for_data_units() method is much more restricted in its applicability, which will only work when the compound expression uses the + or - operators. Past behavior led to sometimes arbitrary assignments of units, and sometimes incorrect units to the parameters.

  • Slicing is more restrictive now. Previously a model defined as such:

    m = m1 * m2 + m3

    permitted this slice:

    m[1:] # results in m2 + m3

    Now, only submodels in the expression tree (think of it as the sequence of operations as performed) are permitted as slices. This means some slices that make sense do not work now. The following code illustrates what is permitted and what isn’t:

    m = m1 + m2 + m3 + m4
    m[:2] # Results in m1 + m2, works
    m[1:] # Should result in m2 + m3 + m4, does not work
           # since m1 is part of all subexpressions.
  • Generally, all public methods have remained unchanged. The exception is n_submodels that used to be a method but now is a property.

  • Many of the non-public methods have changed, particularly for compound models.

  • The _CompoundModelMeta metaclass no longer exists.

Technical Details

Compound Model Implementation Changes

Compound models previously were implemented using a metaclass for the compound model while also inheriting from the Model class (which itself has a metaclass). The primary reason for this approach was to support expressions of Model classes. However, this leads to a confusing implementation, some decrease in performance, and some odd results when expressions of model classes also include model instances.

The new implementation does away with the metaclass for compound models and correspondingly no longer supports expressions of model classes, but only expressions of model instances. Previously the expression tree was a private attribute. Now the compound class is itself an expression tree.

Many of the private methods of Compound Models have changed.