Emacs setup for following coding guidelines

The Astropy coding guidelines are listed in Coding Guidelines. Here, we describe how to configure Emacs to help ensure Python code satisfies the guidelines.

For this setup, we add to the standard python-mode using flycheck and the flake8 python style checker. For installation instructions, see their respective web sites (or install via your distribution; e.g., in Debian/Ubuntu, the packages are called elpa-flycheck and flake8).


Emacs can be configured in several different ways. So instead of providing a drop in configuration file, only the individual configurations are presented below.

The setup below is on purpose minimal. In principle, it is possible to use Emacs for Python development, with, e.g., elpy.

No tabs

This setting will cause indentation to use spaces rather than tabs for all files. For python files, indentation of 4 spaces will be used if the tab key is pressed.

;; Don't use TABS for indentations.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

Delete trailing white spaces

One can delete trailing whitespace with M-x delete-trailing-whitespace. To ensure this is done every time a python file is saved, use:

;; Automatically remove trailing whitespace when file is saved.
(add-hook 'python-mode-hook
(lambda () (add-to-list 'write-file-functions 'delete-trailing-whitespace)))

If you want to use this for every type of file, you can use (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace).


One can make lines that do not satisfy syntax requirements using flycheck. When the cursor is on such a line a message is displayed in the mini-buffer. When mouse pointer is on such a line a “tool tip” message is also shown. By default, flycheck will check if flake8 is installed and, if so, use that for its syntax checking. To ensure flycheck starts upon opening python files, add:

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)

Alternatively, you can just use (global-flycheck-mode) to run flycheck for all languages it supports.