.. _testhelpers: ********************* Astropy Testing Tools ********************* This section is primarily a reference for developers that want to understand or add to the Astropy testing machinery. See :doc:`/development/testguide` for an overview of running or writing the tests. `astropy.tests.helper` Module ============================= To ease development of tests that work with Astropy, the `astropy.tests.helper` module provides some utility functions to make tests that use Astropy conventions or classes easier to work with. e.g., functions to test for near-equality of `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects. The functionality here is not exhaustive, because much of the useful tools are either in the standard library, py.test, or `numpy.testing `_. This module contains primarily functionality specific to the astropy core package or packages that follow the Astropy package template. Reference/API ------------- .. module:: astropy.tests.helper .. automodapi:: astropy.tests.helper :no-main-docstr: :no-inheritance-diagram: Astropy Test Runner =================== When executing tests with `astropy.test` the call to pytest is controlled by the `astropy.tests.runner.TestRunner` class. The `~astropy.tests.runner.TestRunner` class is used to generate the `astropy.test` function, the test function generates a set of command line arguments to pytest. The arguments to pytest are defined in the `~astropy.tests.runner.TestRunner.run_tests` method, the arguments to ``run_tests`` and their respective logic are defined in methods of `~astropy.tests.runner.TestRunner` decorated with the `~astropy.tests.runner.keyword` decorator. For an example of this see `~astropy.tests.runner.TestRunnerBase`. This design makes it easy for packages to add or remove keyword arguments to their test runners, or define a whole new set of arguments by subclassing from `~astropy.tests.runner.TestRunnerBase`. Reference/API ------------- .. module:: astropy.tests.runner .. automodapi:: astropy.tests.runner :no-main-docstr: