.. _nddata_arithmetic: NDData Arithmetic ***************** Introduction ============ `~astropy.nddata.NDDataRef` implements the following arithmetic operations: - Addition: :meth:`~astropy.nddata.NDArithmeticMixin.add` - Subtraction: :meth:`~astropy.nddata.NDArithmeticMixin.subtract` - Multiplication: :meth:`~astropy.nddata.NDArithmeticMixin.multiply` - Division: :meth:`~astropy.nddata.NDArithmeticMixin.divide` Using Basic Arithmetic Methods ============================== Using the standard arithmetic methods requires that the first operand is an `~astropy.nddata.NDDataRef` instance: >>> from astropy.nddata import NDDataRef >>> from astropy.wcs import WCS >>> import numpy as np >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef([1, 2, 3, 4]) While the requirement for the second operand is that it must be convertible to the first operand. It can be a number:: >>> ndd1.add(3) NDDataRef([4, 5, 6, 7]) Or a `list`:: >>> ndd1.subtract([1,1,1,1]) NDDataRef([0, 1, 2, 3]) Or a `numpy.ndarray`:: >>> ndd1.multiply(np.arange(4, 8)) NDDataRef([ 4, 10, 18, 28]) >>> ndd1.divide(np.arange(1,13).reshape(3,4)) # a 3 x 4 numpy array # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP NDDataRef([[1. , 1. , 1. , 1. ], [0.2 , 0.33333333, 0.42857143, 0.5 ], [0.11111111, 0.2 , 0.27272727, 0.33333333]]) Here, broadcasting takes care of the different dimensions. Several other classes are also possible. Using Arithmetic Classmethods ============================= Here both operands do not need to be `~astropy.nddata.NDDataRef`-like:: >>> NDDataRef.add(1, 3) NDDataRef(4) To wrap the result of an arithmetic operation between two Quantities:: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> ndd = NDDataRef.multiply([1,2] * u.m, [10, 20] * u.cm) >>> ndd # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP NDDataRef([10., 40.]) >>> ndd.unit Unit("cm m") Or take the inverse of an `~astropy.nddata.NDDataRef` object:: >>> NDDataRef.divide(1, ndd1) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP NDDataRef([1. , 0.5 , 0.33333333, 0.25 ]) Possible Operands ----------------- The possible types of input for operands are: + Scalars of any type + Lists containing numbers (or nested lists) + ``numpy`` arrays + ``numpy`` masked arrays + ``astropy`` quantities + Other ``nddata`` classes or subclasses Advanced Options ================ The normal Python operators ``+``, ``-``, etc. are not implemented because the methods provide several options on how to proceed with the additional attributes. Data and Unit ------------- For ``data`` and ``unit`` there are no parameters. Every arithmetic operation lets the `astropy.units.Quantity`-framework evaluate the result or fail and abort the operation. Adding two `~astropy.nddata.NDData` objects with the same unit works:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef([1,2,3,4,5], unit='m') >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef([100,150,200,50,500], unit='m') >>> ndd = ndd1.add(ndd2) >>> ndd.data # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([101., 152., 203., 54., 505.]) >>> ndd.unit Unit("m") Adding two `~astropy.nddata.NDData` objects with compatible units also works:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(ndd1, unit='pc') INFO: overwriting NDData's current unit with specified unit. [astropy.nddata.nddata] >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(ndd2, unit='lyr') INFO: overwriting NDData's current unit with specified unit. [astropy.nddata.nddata] >>> ndd = ndd1.subtract(ndd2) >>> ndd.data # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([ -29.66013938, -43.99020907, -58.32027876, -11.33006969, -148.30069689]) >>> ndd.unit Unit("pc") This will keep by default the unit of the first operand. However, units will not be decomposed during division:: >>> ndd = ndd2.divide(ndd1) >>> ndd.data # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([100. , 75. , 66.66666667, 12.5 , 100. ]) >>> ndd.unit Unit("lyr / pc") Mask ---- The ``handle_mask`` parameter for the arithmetic operations implements what the resulting mask will be. There are several options. - ``None``, the result will have no ``mask``:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, mask=True) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, mask=False) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_mask=None).mask is None True - ``"first_found"`` or ``"ff"``, the result will have the ``mask`` of the first operand or if that is ``None``, the ``mask`` of the second operand:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, mask=True) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, mask=False) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_mask="first_found").mask True >>> ndd3 = NDDataRef(1) >>> ndd3.add(ndd2, handle_mask="first_found").mask False - A function (or an arbitrary callable) that takes at least two arguments. For example, `numpy.logical_or` is the default:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, mask=np.array([True, False, True, False])) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, mask=np.array([True, False, False, True])) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2).mask array([ True, False, True, True]...) This defaults to ``"first_found"`` in case only one ``mask`` is not None:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, mask=np.array([True, False, False, True])) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2).mask array([ True, False, False, True]...) Custom functions are also possible:: >>> def take_alternating_values(mask1, mask2, start=0): ... result = np.zeros(mask1.shape, dtype=np.bool_) ... result[start::2] = mask1[start::2] ... result[start+1::2] = mask2[start+1::2] ... return result This function is nonsense, but we can still see how it performs:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, mask=np.array([True, False, True, False])) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, mask=np.array([True, False, False, True])) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_mask=take_alternating_values).mask array([ True, False, True, True]...) Additional parameters can be given by prefixing them with ``mask_`` (which will be stripped before passing it to the function):: >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_mask=take_alternating_values, mask_start=1).mask array([False, False, False, False]...) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_mask=take_alternating_values, mask_start=2).mask array([False, False, True, True]...) Meta ---- The ``handle_meta`` parameter for the arithmetic operations implements what the resulting ``meta`` will be. The options are the same as for the ``mask``: - If ``None`` the resulting ``meta`` will be an empty `collections.OrderedDict`. >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'object': 'sun'}) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'object': 'moon'}) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_meta=None).meta OrderedDict() For ``meta`` this is the default so you do not need to pass it in this case:: >>> ndd1.add(ndd2).meta OrderedDict() - If ``"first_found"`` or ``"ff"``, the resulting ``meta`` will be the ``meta`` of the first operand or if that contains no keys, the ``meta`` of the second operand is taken. >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'object': 'sun'}) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'object': 'moon'}) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, handle_meta='ff').meta {'object': 'sun'} - If it is a ``callable`` it must take at least two arguments. Both ``meta`` attributes will be passed to this function (even if one or both of them are empty) and the callable evaluates the result's ``meta``. For example, a function that merges these two:: >>> # It's expected with arithmetics that the result is not a reference, >>> # so we need to copy >>> from copy import deepcopy >>> def combine_meta(meta1, meta2): ... if not meta1: ... return deepcopy(meta2) ... elif not meta2: ... return deepcopy(meta1) ... else: ... meta_final = deepcopy(meta1) ... meta_final.update(meta2) ... return meta_final >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'time': 'today'}) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, meta={'object': 'moon'}) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd2, handle_meta=combine_meta).meta # doctest: +SKIP {'object': 'moon', 'time': 'today'} Here again additional arguments for the function can be passed in using the prefix ``meta_`` (which will be stripped away before passing it to this function). See the description for the mask-attribute for further details. World Coordinate System (WCS) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``compare_wcs`` argument will determine what the result's ``wcs`` will be or if the operation should be forbidden. The possible values are identical to ``mask`` and ``meta``: - If ``None`` the resulting ``wcs`` will be an empty ``None``. >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=None) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=WCS()) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, compare_wcs=None).wcs is None True - If ``"first_found"`` or ``"ff"`` the resulting ``wcs`` will be the ``wcs`` of the first operand or if that is ``None``, the ``meta`` of the second operand is taken. >>> wcs = WCS() >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=wcs) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=None) >>> str(ndd1.add(ndd2, compare_wcs='ff').wcs) == str(wcs) True - If it is a ``callable`` it must take at least two arguments. Both ``wcs`` attributes will be passed to this function (even if one or both of them are ``None``) and the callable should return ``True`` if these ``wcs`` are identical (enough) to allow the arithmetic operation or ``False`` if the arithmetic operation should be aborted with a ``ValueError``. If ``True`` the ``wcs`` are identical and the first one is used for the result:: >>> def compare_wcs_scalar(wcs1, wcs2, allowed_deviation=0.1): ... if wcs1 is None and wcs2 is None: ... return True # both have no WCS so they are identical ... if wcs1 is None or wcs2 is None: ... return False # one has WCS, the other doesn't not possible ... else: ... # Consider wcs close if centers are close enough ... return all(abs(wcs1.wcs.crpix - wcs2.wcs.crpix) < allowed_deviation) >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=None) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=None) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd2, compare_wcs=compare_wcs_scalar).wcs Additional arguments can be passed in prefixing them with ``wcs_`` (this prefix will be stripped away before passing it to the function):: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=WCS()) >>> ndd1.wcs.wcs.crpix = [1, 1] >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, wcs=WCS()) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd2, compare_wcs=compare_wcs_scalar, wcs_allowed_deviation=2).wcs.wcs.crpix array([1., 1.]) If you are using `~astropy.wcs.WCS` objects, a very handy function to use might be:: >>> def wcs_compare(wcs1, wcs2, *args, **kwargs): ... return wcs1.wcs.compare(wcs2.wcs, *args, **kwargs) See :meth:`astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.compare` for the arguments this comparison allows. Uncertainty ----------- The ``propagate_uncertainties`` argument can be used to turn the propagation of uncertainties on or off. - If ``None`` the result will have no uncertainty:: >>> from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(0)) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty(1)) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, propagate_uncertainties=None).uncertainty is None True - If ``False`` the result will have the first found uncertainty. .. note:: Setting ``propagate_uncertainties=False`` is generally not recommended. - If ``True`` both uncertainties must be ``NDUncertainty`` subclasses that implement propagation. This is possible for `~astropy.nddata.StdDevUncertainty`:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10])) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10])) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2, propagate_uncertainties=True).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([14.14213562]) Uncertainty with Correlation ---------------------------- If ``propagate_uncertainties`` is ``True`` you can also give an argument for ``uncertainty_correlation``. `~astropy.nddata.StdDevUncertainty` cannot keep track of its correlations by itself, but it can evaluate the correct resulting uncertainty if the correct ``correlation`` is given. The default (``0``) represents uncorrelated while ``1`` means correlated and ``-1`` anti-correlated. If given a `numpy.ndarray` it should represent the element-wise correlation coefficient. Examples ^^^^^^^^ .. EXAMPLE START Uncertainty with Correlation in NDData Without correlation, subtracting an `~astropy.nddata.NDDataRef` instance from itself results in a non-zero uncertainty:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10])) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd1, propagate_uncertainties=True).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([14.14213562]) Given a correlation of ``1`` (because they clearly correlate) gives the correct uncertainty of ``0``:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef(1, uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10])) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd1, propagate_uncertainties=True, ... uncertainty_correlation=1).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([0.]) Which would be consistent with the equivalent operation ``ndd1 * 0``:: >>> ndd1.multiply(0, propagate_uncertainties=True).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([0.]) .. warning:: The user needs to calculate or know the appropriate value or array manually and pass it to ``uncertainty_correlation``. The implementation follows general first order error propagation formulas. See, for example: `Wikipedia `_. You can also give element-wise correlations:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef([1,1,1,1], uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([1,1,1,1])) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef([2,2,2,2], uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([2,2,2,2])) >>> ndd1.add(ndd2,uncertainty_correlation=np.array([1,0.5,0,-1])).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([3. , 2.64575131, 2.23606798, 1. ]) The correlation ``np.array([1, 0.5, 0, -1])`` would indicate that the first element is fully correlated and the second element partially correlates, while the third element is uncorrelated, and the fourth is anti-correlated. .. EXAMPLE END Uncertainty with Unit --------------------- `~astropy.nddata.StdDevUncertainty` implements correct error propagation even if the unit of the data differs from the unit of the uncertainty:: >>> ndd1 = NDDataRef([10], unit='m', uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10], unit='cm')) >>> ndd2 = NDDataRef([20], unit='m', uncertainty=StdDevUncertainty([10])) >>> ndd1.subtract(ndd2, propagate_uncertainties=True).uncertainty # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP StdDevUncertainty([10.00049999]) But it needs to be convertible to the unit for the data.